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Life in general.../この頃

I feel like i am being chased by things i want to do & I have to do as a photographer... Many exciting opportunities to showcase my work and going to portfolio review keep me very busy this spring, lots of printing, preparing presentation etc...  I have not even caught up printing from Japan... the oldest ones I have,  2 projects from 7 years ago that I have not even finished printing,,,  I am still shooting my neighborhood project "Monacnock Street" and "Jacques in Color", then needing to catch up with printing from years ago. I know I really need to get into the gear of better time managing... It is never ending battle.  

I HAVE to produce prints, so that I can show them to people.

I WANT to photograph my projects, because I am a photographer.

It is usually wanting to shoot wins,,,,, so that more printing to catch up later..


このごろ、やりたいことと、やらなくてはいけないことに常に追われている気がする。この春はたくさんの展示会の機会に恵まれ、ポートフォリオレビューにもいっちゃたりして、写真家としてがんばって発表している。。。と思う。展示会、レビューのプリント制作、準備エトセトラ。。。 私はプリントをためてしまうので、去年の日本撮影、1番古くて7年前のまだ未発表、プリントしていないプロジェクトがあったりする。。。時間を有効にちゃんと使えるようにならなくてはいけない。。。



